Interviewing Art Educators in the Field: Karissa Lalima

Karissa Lalima brings passion and joy to her classroom every day. Having seen it all in a “post covid” world Karissa is spirited and dedicated to her students. I hope to be half the educator she is come my entry into public school education and know that after this interview I will carry the tools she has provided me into my classroom. My greatest takeaways after this interview would have to be

·         Always continue to learn, the landscape in the education world is always changing especially post 2020

·         Focus on your students and roll with the rest

·         Continue to love art every day and surround yourself with the both old-school and new-school art topics

Thank you to Karissa Lalima for providing me with such a fantastic observational experience and I do hope to continue my push forward into education with as much passion as you have exemplified in the time I was able to observe your classroom.